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Food Safety Courses

Learn about food safety from top schools and universities on edX today!
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What is Food Safety?

Food safety is more than just cleaning your counters after you cook chicken. It's everything involved in the safe handling, preparation, and storage of food to prevent foodborne illness. It's a matter of public health and is so vital that we have multiple organizations designed to reduce the risk of widespread contamination.Food poisoning can be a serious issue, so the FDA, USDA, CDC, and other organizations guide best practices in food safety to prevent large scale issues.

Learn about Food Safety

Diseases in foodborne illness include common issues like E. coli and salmonella, but could include other significant problems with meat or other food products. U.S. food sources must be free of contamination, and that's where someone like you comes in.Whether you're in research, inspections, or hoping to open a restaurant one day, learning about food safety is a valuable skill. Health problems can be avoided with the right tools and knowledge, so take advantage of courses that help you with those skills.

Food Safety Courses and Certifications offers courses in both personal safety and public health. Wageningen's Nutrition and Health: Food Risks introduces you to the basics of handling and storing fresh foods. You'll learn about safe internal temperatures, the shelf lives of food products, and important health information. SDGAcademy offers a broader perspective of Global Health concerns with food, including issues surrounding food supply and keeping food safe across transport. It includes an overview of environmental factors in keeping safe food as well as issues in sustainable development. You can also partake in a professional certification course from Wageningen designed to teach you about the principles behind food and nutrition, including managing disease and contamination. It includes policies from the food industry as well as information for the personal side of things.

Design a Career in Food Safety

Whether you're teaching others how to design a food system that increases their health and wellbeing or providing health departments with recommendations, a career in food safety could be just the stability you need. Food items are complex and require basic understanding for storage and handling; plus, as populations get bigger, food safety will be a public health issue for the foreseeable future. Make sure you have everything you need to jumpstart your career with courses in food safety. You'll gain an understanding of everything from handling food to preparing better techniques for storing and transportation. Ensure your skills are up to speed with edX courses.