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Dynamics Courses

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What is Dynamics?

Dynamics is a branch of classical mechanics concerning movement and how forces interact to affect motion. Our understanding comes from Newton's laws of motion within his classical laws of physics. Researchers study how processes can develop and change over time. Newton's laws of motion include the first law of motion or inertia begins our understanding, leading to the second law of motion, systems. Dynamics is primarily concerned with this second law, although the entire series does inform our understanding. Dynamics falls into two categories, linear and rotational. Linear dynamics concerns principles like inertia, displacement, and velocity, while rotational involves things like torque, angular displacement, centripetal force, and angular momentum. The study of forces allows us to do research and build within the structures of classical bodies. It helps us answer questions when we may not be able to observe answers directly, and it informs our understanding of everything we see around us. It also informs system dynamics or our understanding of the buildup and decay of systems in motion. These studies show the rate of change over time and help us plan.

Learn Dynamics offers courses designed to introduce you to the principles of Newton's set of laws for motion in partnership with leading thinkers in the field. You could learn what you need to research and apply these laws in your field of study. Classes are designed to work with your schedule, and you can take them without having to leave your home. In some cases, they are credit and certification eligible.

Dynamics Courses and Certifications

MIT offers a range of courses in Dynamics from basic to advanced. You can learn about rotational motion, potential energy, and the force of friction as applied to moving bodies. Their series is an excellent primer for Newtonian physics as outlined in Principia, leading up to work outside traditional physics such as Einstein's theories of relativity and quantum mechanics. You can also take special case training such as System Dynamics for Health Sciences from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, which outlines the growth, oscillation, and decay of systems within healthcare research. EPFL offers a course on Neuronal Dynamics, outlining the electromagnetic pulses on the neuron level with biophysical modeling. It informs biomedical research, and the course introduces students to stochastic processes and differential equations.

Build a Career Using Dynamics

Courses from edX can help introduce you to the classical principles of Newton's laws of motion. The motion of objects informs our understanding of systems and helps us build logical research into the physical world, systems, and even worlds we cannot quite see. Use your newfound understanding to launch a career and let edX help you find the path.