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Crisis Resource Management Courses

Take free online crisis resource management courses on edX today!
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learn crisis resource management

What is crisis resource management?

Crisis resource management or CRM started in the aviation industry as crew resource management. The aviation industry realized that the majority of accidents came down to human error and a breakdown of teamwork. 

Later, the healthcare industry used these sets of norms, renamed crisis resource management to ensure patient safety and appropriate response in emergency medicine. CRM training helps improve overall patient outcomes and improve decision-making even in stressful situations. 

This type of medical education helps offset the stress and pressure many emergency departments, pediatric and other critical care nurses, and trauma teams face. Team members who receive this training can better assess crisis situations and team performance. 

There are 15 key principles of a CRM plan, including know the environment, anticipate and plan, and re-evaluate repeatedly. These steps help ensure that teams understand the allocation of responsibilities during adverse events and have the situational awareness to ensure the highest levels of patient care in high-stakes events.

Learn about Crisis Resource Management

CRM skills and teamwork training help healthcare professionals in many walks of life avoid inaction and mistakes. edX offers courses in CRM concepts. They're developed with the expertise of partners who are leaders in the field.

Students can take courses on their own time with a global cohort of students. Most courses are free, so you can pursue your interests and professional goals as you please. Many also offer official credit—perfect for job applications or advancing in your career goals—for an extra fee.

Crisis Resource Management

ColumbiaX offers an introductory course to Crisis Resource Management. Students will learn the fundamentals of team management and problem-solving, focusing on problem-solving and decision-making skills. Students will take part in a systematic review of the principles of CRM and leave with clear skills for a crisis.

Another option is IsraelX's Resilience - The art of coping with disasters. Students will learn the role resilience plays in crisis management and disaster response, as well as the effects both on communities and individuals. Students will also learn the multidisciplinary approach to disaster relief.

Explore Crisis Resource Management in Practice

Whether it's medical errors in the intensive care unit, or chaos during a disaster, high-risk situations require the creation of new mental models. Training helps reinforce these new competencies and creates order from chaos. Crisis resource management training is a vital part of responding to disaster situations and providing the best possible outcome.

These are the types of non-technical skills that the medical field and other crisis intervention fields need to ensure the best patient outcome. Human factors and field skills ensure that we can care for people and communities no matter what happens.