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Coronavirus Courses

Learn about the coronvairus, COVID-19, and more on edX today!
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learn coronavirus

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a type of viruses, some of which cause disease. While we've known about Coronavirus for a while, COVID-19 has dominated much of our public attention.

The novel virus has created both panic and a public health issue with governments and the CDC encouraging populations to stay home and practice social distancing. Pandemics aren't new, but the Coronavirus pandemic has caused unprecedented disruption to economics and households worldwide.

This new Coronavirus has the United States and other countries scrambling to find treatments, a cure, and handle a massive influx of positive cases. What started in Wuhan, China, has quickly spread around the world, giving the disease a global impact.

As countries deal with the consequences of lockdown, health officials say that new treatments are in the testing phase and that stay at home orders are to protect both the people and healthcare providers from more coronavirus deaths.

Learn about Coronavirus

EdX has courses offered in partnership with leading institutions in the fields of health and medicine. You can study not only the history of pandemics and global response but also learn about some of the most cutting edge research and treatments available for these new novel viruses.

Courses can happen from anywhere in the world and on a student's schedule. The courses are free, but many official tracks are available for certified course credit and are part of formal degree paths for affordable fees.

Coronavirus-Relate Courses and Programs

You can learn the basics of how viruses work and how to beat them with the University of Israel's course, Viruses and How to Beat Them. You'll learn about virus cell-structures and how they operate and how virus epidemics such as SARS, AIDS, and Ebola were handled. Plus, you'll learn about mild symptoms to death tolls and the pros and cons of a variety of virus weapons, including vaccinations.

EdX has quite a few biology-related courses, but you can also study the healthcare system and how it responds to pandemics with courses like Harvard's on pandemics and practical courses such as Harvard's Ventilation for COVID-19.

You can also participate in courses designed to teach you about the search for solutions to the world's pandemics, how AI and data science are revolutionizing biotech and pharmaceuticals, and about the practical management of the healthcare system.

Explore Careers in Healthcare Related Subjects

Coronavirus is one of many medical conditions that have caused issues for humanity, and coronavirus cases continue to grow. While this novel Coronavirus could keep the world at a standstill for the moment, the Department of Health is research ways to manage the pandemic.

Whether you're interested in becoming a healthcare professional or you have an interest in viruses and respiratory diseases, edX has enough courses to get you started. Health departments everywhere need good minds working on the latest updates, and this Coronavirus outbreak could inspire more people to get into the healthcare field.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone stay home, but there is still time for you to feed your mind despite the executive order. Allow edX to help you create a path.