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Cloud Foundry Courses

Learn Cloud Foundry for cloud native app development. Take online Cloud Foundry courses on edX today!
learn cloud foundry

learn cloud foundry

What is Cloud Foundry?

Cloud Foundry is an open-source cloud platform that allows developers to build, deploy, and scale various types of applications. This platform-as-a-service (PaaS) works on a variety of infrastructure types, including on-premise and external services. Its open-source mission provides a wide range of capabilities to anyone who needs it, making it an easier gateway than paid services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or other gated cloud providers.

The platform offers seven core components:

  • routing

  • authentication

  • application lifecycle

  • application storage and execution

  • service brokers

  • messaging

  • metrics and logging

The platform -- founded by Mark Lucovsky, Derek Collison, and Vadim Spivak -- launched on VMware in 2011. In 2015, the Cloud Foundry Foundation launched as part of a Linux Foundation collaborative project. 

Learn about Cloud Foundry

The edX platform contains courses built and taught by leaders and innovators in the field. Students learn on their own schedules with a global cohort of students. Courses are free to explore for personal growth, but students can also opt into official credit, certification, or full degrees for a fee.

Online courses are more convenient than traditional courses and offer students the opportunity to achieve personal and professional goals. 

Cloud Foundry Courses and Certifications

The Linux Foundation offers two different courses to introduce Cloud Foundry -- Introduction to Cloud Foundry and Cloud Native Software applications and Introduction to Cloud Infrastructure technologies. 

The courses introduce the fundamental concepts students need to configure apps, as well as cloud foundry applications for deploying products through the service. Students learn how to build runtime and framework support with build packs. Students also receive a tour through building a cloud-native application and the 12-factor method for composing distributed web systems.

Students also learn the basics of cloud-native technologies, including Kubernetes, Docker, and OpenStack. Learners understand how these fit into the next generation of DevOps and receive training for working with cloud services.

Understanding Cloud Foundry PaaS

The Cloud Foundry platform enables new workflows and easier deployment. As more organizations move to the cloud, the API provided by Cloud foundry ensures faster development times with fewer dependencies. Tutorials from edX provide a pathway for training so that students can reach personal and professional goals.