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Bootstrap Courses

Learn Bootstrap. Take online classes in bootstrap from top universities and institutions to advance your career in tech. Learn about the grid system, stylesheets, responsive websites, typography forms, progress bars, pagination, tooltips, carousels, navigation bars, and more!
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learn bootstrap

What Is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is an opensource, front end framework that uses CSS and HTML based design. It's a popular framework that concerns itself with front end applications only, including topography, forms, interface components, and javascript plugins. It's one of the most popular front end frameworks with the second most project stars on GitHub. Bootstrap was created by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton (associated with Twitter, Inc.) to encourage consistency across what was numerous libraries in web development. The latest iteration, Bootstrap 4, was released in 2014. New features appear all the time as the community makes use of its free, creative commons license.

Who Should Learn Bootstrap

Learning Bootstrap CSS allows you to create ultra responsive, mobile first projects. It provides style definitions through HTML for consistency, allowing developers to create seamless builds across multiple platforms. Additional Bootstrap capabilities use jQuery to create things like dialog boxes and carousels. Learning Bootstrap gives you a competitive edge and makes designing a whole lot less time intensive. Bootstrap is well maintained and cuts down the time you need for building your own CSS libraries. If you build across multiple web pages, you won't have to worry about compatibility or features transferring. The framework handles it for you.

Bootstrap Courses and Certifications

Microsoft's Introduction To Bootstrap gives you an overview of the developer tool including the entire Bootstrap framework, how to use Bootstrap themes, and other Bootstrap components for easier web development. If you're looking to add a more comprehensive course, you can also enroll in Harvard University's comprehensive overview of web design. It includes popular front end frameworks like Bootstrap and how to use Python and Javascript to build responsive web projects.

Bootstrap and Your Career

The Bootstrap framework allows you to build responsive mobile first projects using an established and well-documented framework with common builder tools like Javascript, php, and Python. With something as simple as SASS, HTML elements, Div Classes, and custom CSS files, you can cut your development time in half and still build projects that stand out without risking failure across platforms. Understanding these critical tools and skills can help any web developer or front-end development design landing pages and responsive websites. The Bootstrap 3 grid is one of the most dynamic options available and with Google prioritizing responsive websites, a fundamental understanding of Bootstrap frameworks can help you build your projects efficiently and consistently regardless of platform. Bootstrap's documentation is robust enough to push you through difficulty and the framework makes it one of the most popular front end frameworks around.